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If you have ever shown up to the river and found that it’s blown out or spent half your day driving around, looking for access points, this tip is for you! There are a few key things that we should do every time we are looking to get out on the water. In the video below I prep my fishing day real time. Takes about 4 minutes.
If we take just five minutes to check the below 4 items, we can set up a much more successful fishing day.
1. Weather: this will dictate the type of fishing. We can expect to have on top or below the water from here. We can prep our bugs as we know which style we will look to fish.
2. The flow of the water: by checking the cubic feet per second of the section of river that you are looking to fish you can know how accessible the river is or if it’s on the drop or on the rise.
3. The temperature of the water: the temperature dictates where the fish will be feeding and if they will be feeding.
4. Google Maps/Base Map: by checking, a satellite view of the section of river you look to fish, you can scout out the access points, and literally set up your fishing day. This can save you from driving around and spending your fishing day in the car rather than in the water.
SUMMARY: The next time you are prepping for a day of fishing, take 5 minutes to check these 4 things and you will increase the odds of catching significantly.
We teach the above technique and many more in our Fishalong Courses. Come join us in one of these to squash that learning curve. This is just one of the hundred skills that you could gain by joining our University of Fly Fishing.
Our whole course catalog is available in the Fall. Trout Spey is bonkers now! So good! We have had a ton of fun with our Personal Watercraft Fishalongs getting after the Yakima and other tributaries.
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