Everything Dry by Rainy's // Versatile Small Dry Fly
Everything Dry Fly for All Hatches
This fly was designed from the hook up to imitate every major species and stage of dry fly. It is a great searching and general attractor pattern. It imitates everything from mayflies to midges to caddis; three of the major hatches on nearly every river. But it not only can imitate the adult version of those dries, but their various stages as well.
It has a dark shuck for a tail and biot body abdomen imitating a mayfly emerger. A poly spinner wing that accounts for a spinner or spent mayfly. The top wing not only appears to be a caddis wing, but doubles as an emerger and/or cripple. It is also tied with UV Ice dub for the thorax for optimal attraction. Available in two colors: Tan (light) and Olive (dark).