We move cars, not bodies. Just choose your float, leave us a key and we will valet your rig from the launch point to take-out.
River Flow Links
- Yakima River Basin and Reservoir Storage Diagram
- Teanaway River at Forks Near Cle Elum (this is the tributary stream that affects the Yakima the most during spring runoff)
- Yakima River Flows Near Horlick, WA (this is about 10 miles above Ellensburg, Swauk Creek area)
- Yakima River Flows at Cle Elum, WA
- Yakima River Flows Near Easton, WA
- Cle Elum River Coming OUT of Lake Cle Elum
- Naches River Flows
- Tieton River Flows
Yakima River Flow Prediction Chart
While the chart is only a "prediction", it is based on historical data, weather forecasts, current weather, current snow-pack etc. You can use this to get a rough idea of how the river is going to react to predicted rainfall, run-off, etc.
Yakima River Flow Prediction Chart at Umtanum