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FREE Fly Line on Rods $500+ // Just Add Both to Cart and Your Fly Line is FREE!

Upper Cle Elum River Guided Fly Fishing Trip


Big Adventures for Small Trout

Big Adventures for Small Trout

The Upper Cle Elum is located above the big lake in the National Forest. It's a wade fishing adventure within a short drive of the Suncadia resort and Rosyln, Washington. Pickups at Suncadia are available upon request. Often however we meet at Basecamp Books and Bites in Roslyn, and caravan up to the river so that guests have the option to recreate in the area after fishing.

This fishery is all about hiking into the wild and fishing to small trout in beautiful places. On occasion we bump into 14" fish but most fish will be 6-12" and targeted with dry flies. It is a very good trip for beginners and a great way to get coaching on how to properly wade fish.

The hiking is not intense but anglers need to be able to navigate some boulders and mobile on foot in a large rocks.

Cost & Trip Details

Cost & Trip Details


The fishery open in late May, but the season for our guided trips is approximately July 1 - September 15th depending on conditions.


  • 4 Hours Trip: $479 per guide (1-2 anglers per guide)
  • Third Angler Add-on $75

Trip Includes:

  • Flies, leaders, tippet.
  • Rods (upon request)
  • Non-alcoholic Drinks (bring a bottle of water)

What do I need to bring on a creek fishing trip?

You don't have a bunch of fancy gear to do this trip, but you will need good outdoor summertime clothing. Quick dry pants, preferably anglers have wading boots with neoprene socks, but any closed toed wading shoe can get you by. We recommend long sleeved shirts, sunglasses, hat, and a hip pack or small backpack are the bare essentials. Kids can get away with old sneakers and good socks.

We like lightweight 2-4 weight rods, it makes the casting easier, more effective, and it is much better for hooking fish than something heavier. You can use a 5 weight, but lighter is better.

"The Upper Cle Elum River is a wonderful wading adventure with gorgeous Cutthroat, Rainbow, and Brook Trout willing to eat dry flies."  

- Jason H, - Ellensburg, WA

The Red's Fly Shop Guide Team

The Red's Fly Shop Guide Team

We are unapologetic about proclaiming the prowess and professionalism of our fly shop staff and guides. Between our shop staff and subcontractor guides we have approximately 30 team members. Their blend of ambition, competitiveness, kindness, fishing skill, work ethic, and patience are like no crew we've ever seen. Our staff is the ultimate team. This means teaching each other, sharing secret fly patterns, insider fishing reports, and helping our other guides on the river get into more fish.  

Red's has been at this for a long time and putting together a franchise like this was no accident. We look for talent, character, unique skills, and a strong sense of "customer first" attitude. We're here to serve the customer. That's our mission.

Deposit and Cancellation Policy

Deposit and Cancellation Policy

Cancellations made by the customer less than 72 hours from the start time, will forfeit 50% of the total cost. If you cancel more than 72 hours from the start time, you may reschedule or request a refund minus 5%. Cancellations within 24 hours or failure to show will forfeit 100% of the trip cost. If Red's decides to cancel the event due to adverse conditions the customer may request a full refund.



This adventure takes place on USFS property, we've been asked to share this information with our potential customers.

In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity
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