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CALL NOW (509)933-2300
Most of you know that there is fairly heavy use in the Yakima Canyon during the summer months. Lots of tubers, rafters, and general use at all of the access points. Lots of public land and a mixed array of users. Like it or not, there is a lot of trash that gets left behind. Let's clean it up together.
While we do our best on a day-to-day basis to grab what litter we can, there is no better way than setting aside a day in a group effort after the water levels drop. Right now, the river is pretty high and swift. After Labor Day the water drops to about 1/3 of what it is now. this exposes a ton of trash! Plus, those deflated inner tubes and rafts littering the shoreline are much easier and safter to retrieve.
For years the local TU Chapter have been the unsung heroes of this effort and we want to recruit some more help. Let's get it all down to every gum wrapper!
It's really simple. Show up at Big Pines Recreation at about 9 am on September 23rd. We'll divide into various geographic sections, and if you have a drift boat or raft bring it! We can coordinate shuttles with other volunteers. We'll meet back up and dispose of trash in the dumpster at Big Pines or you can use any of the BLM dumpsters that weekend. Since it's Public Lands Day no access permits are required to launch or park at these access points.
TU will provide trash bags but there are a few things we recommend:
Browse compatible rods, reels, lines, leaders and other accessories